They didn't. And the Bretton Woods system came to an end
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Britain alone gave the banks more money than it cost to put a man on the moon six times over. Where did our money go? Who let the banks get away with it? Why? Can vampire squids ever be useful? No government yet is brave enough to tame them, perhaps they need a plan. The spending cuts agenda is an attempt by the government to shift debt from its account to that of the public.

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The Bank of England creates Central Bank reserves by increasing the available credit in the settlement bank's account with the Bank of England

I think that has to start happening in the UK, because we're in a demand-side recession, rather than looking at crisis of supply. You have to have a system where credit is put into productive avenues, where credit is put into building high-speed rail links, into building houses rather than giving people money to inflate the price of houses.

And then there are institutions, the outstanding one at this point is the IMF, that will actively try and enforce this state of affairs. So it's not greatly shadowy, that there are people behind the scenes somewhere trying to manipulate stuff. This is actually quite overt. This is happening and this is how it has been for my entire adult life.

The UK bank will then transfer $1000 of the central reserve currency to the UK partner bank of the European bank, whilst the European bank will transfer 1150 euros of reserve currency to the European partner bank of the UK bank.

After independence, these instruments were applied for financing expansion. Why was such a small country able to hold its own against so much bigger countries, for example Spain and Portugal, that had the benefits of their empires for over a century in respect of the Netherlands?

Growth and inflation If you want a growing economy, under the current set-up, we have to have growing debt. This is something very, very few people really understand, especially not the politicians who are managing the economy, which is a scary thought.